Fabricación de jabones, detergentes y otros artículos de limpieza y abrillantamiento; fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos
Productos y servicios
Fabricación de productos de cosmética.
Fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos
Fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos
Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations
The company is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of cosmetic products in the field of hairdressing and beauty. It was incorporated in 1985 and has its registered business office strategically located in Salamanca, Spain. It offers hair color and basic products, hair permanent and treatments, hair strengtheners, and hair finishing; micro emulsion shampoo and nutritional recharge cocoa, natural rosehip oil, gel, and anti aging products. It distributes its products to the United States, France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Romany, Finland, Russia, Ireland, Ukraine, Canada, Cyprus, Tunis, Morocco, Algeria, Australia, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, La Martinique, La Reunion, and Singapore.